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ACE-031’s mechanism of action rests within blocking chemical signals that inhibit muscle growth. Circulating outside of muscle-fiber membranes, ACE-031 binds to a type of myokine called myostatin. Typically, myostatin limits muscle growth by halting the chemical signals of cells, stopping myogenesis. However, it appears that ACE-031 binds to myostatin, therefore limiting restraining signals and allowing for increased muscle growth.[3]

Scientific Studies

There have been multiple clinical studies on ACE-031, many focused on treating children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD. In a study focusing on boys with DMD, ACE-031 was administered once every 2 to 4 weeks. By the end of the study, trends indicating muscle retention and fat loss were noted.[4] Another trial conducted on postmenopausal women also seemed to indicate increased muscle mass