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What Are SARMs?

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are a relatively new drug that assists muscle-building. They’re similar to anabolic steroids but can target specific types of tissues, giving them a more focused use than traditional anabolic drugs.

SARMs are helpful in bodybuilding, but the research behind them has not been fully fleshed out. It is known, however, that they do not carry as much risk for side effects as steroids do.

How Do SARMS Work?

Unlike steroids and anabolic supplements, SARMs target a single androgen in your body: your skeletal muscle. There are androgen receptors in the body’s liver, muscle tissue, prostate gland, and bones. These receptors can be selectively connected and linked by SARMs.

These drugs are usually attached to bone cells and muscle tissue. Due to this, you won’t have to worry about other organs reacting negatively. For example, SARMs don’t cause swelling in areas of your body that shouldn’t.

SARMs never cause excessive cell growth, so you’re never at risk of diseases caused by these side effects. Anabolic supplements have been linked to liver damage and prostate cancer. People are switching to SARMs for this reason.

The majority of SARMs work in a similar way to testosterone. This is done without harming your body. By boosting protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, these drugs link themselves to androgen receptors in the body.

Are They Safe To Use?

Scientific and medical opinion on this is mixed. Clinical trials on human consumption are few and far between.

Though SARMs have shown promise in providing an anabolic, or muscle-building, effect without the harmful side effects that can come with the scattershot approach of anabolic-androgenic steroids, they don’t have the FDA’s okay yet.

A SARM is not the same as a steroid. There aren’t many adverse effects associated with them, such as the risk of heart attack, liver damage, and increased chances of developing certain types of cancer. Since SARMs became more mainstream in 2013, some information has been collected, but SARMs, in comparison, are safer.

Potential Benefits Of Using SARMs

SARMs have been found to increase physical performance in various ways while offering other minor health benefits. These include things like:

  • Superior running performance
  • Decreased recovery time
  • Increased bone density
  • Increasing the rate at which the body burns fat
  • Increased muscle growth

Other physical improvements include increased fat burning, a reduction in muscle loss due to ageing or disease, and other benefits.

Possible Consequences Of Using SARMs

Since SARMs have become mainstream, a few noticeable adverse effects have been noted, but it’s important to remember that clinical trials are few and far between.

There are no particularly serious side effects, nor are they common. Also, there is limited evidence linking SARMs to these conditions.

Taking too many SARMs, for example, has been linked to liver damage. But, with cautious dosing and ideal stacking, the side effects should probably be very little. They are no place as hazardous as the side effects of anabolic steroids, though.

How are SARMs different?

Man who uses SARMs using weights

SARMs are chemicals that attach to androgens, your male hormone receptors. This part is important: it’s what separates SARMs from steroids. Steroids have a shotgun effect: they hit everything. It’s like a giant testosterone shot into your body; everything is affected by it.

SARMs are different.

They are far more subtle and direct in boosting your body’s testosterone. SARMs do not affect every part of your body; they specifically target tissues in the muscles and bones.

This means that they can boost the growth of these tissues without causing problems in other tissues that this potential treatment would harm. Of course, they aren’t flawless, just judging by potential side effects and the fact that they’re still being perfected, but SARMs generally are good at what they do.

SARMs Compared to Steroids

SARMs are far safer to take than anabolic steroids. Steroid use may improve performance, but its dangerous ingredients carry serious risks. SARMs increase performance, but the evidence regarding their side effects is not nearly as bad as the effects of steroids. 

Due to their side effects, SARMs are a safer alternative to steroids if you have to choose one drug.

Ensure that the supplements you’re taking contain SARMs: a recent study found that 52% of supplements that claim to contain SARMs do not. Be careful and do your research.

Make sure you buy from a reputable vendor. Check out reviews and see what others have to say. The product is far safer and more effective when purchased from the right seller.

How Effective Are SARMs?

There is no doubt that SARMs increase lean muscle mass, but how much and to what extent? What are the beneficial effects of taking them? Is there a noticeable increase?

On average, SARMs provide similar benefits to steroids but pose fewer risks.

But what about hard figures?

According to clinical studies, people can gain up to 30 lbs of lean muscle mass on a short cycle of SARMs. Since SARMs were initially developed to help cancer patients and those with muscular disorders, it makes sense that the effect is so pronounced.

Before and After LGD-4033. What are SARMs?
LGD-4033 Before & After (8-Week Cycle)

However, it is important to note that not all SARMs work the same way, and some have different effects from others. Some will affect bone density more than muscle growth, and some will focus more on burning fat.

Are SARMs legal?

SARMs are legal depending on how they’re used.

It is legal to purchase and use SARMs marketed simply as “research chemicals.” However, they are illegal if sold in capsule form for human consumption, labelled as dietary supplements, or used by athletes. WADA has named them an unapproved drug and banned their use.

Athletically, however, these laws haven’t stopped people from using them.

There isn’t enough evidence to say whether SARMs are safe alternatives to steroids for building muscle mass, but they’re being tested for potential uses in treating other conditions.

Different Types of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

Multiple types of this class of drugs exist, as previously stated. These are just a few examples of the most common kinds of SARMs:

  • S-4-Andarine: This SARM treats prostate problems, increases strength, and burns fat.
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic: This SARM is focused on reducing body fat and increasing endurance. The duration and dosage of some SARMs are closely monitored, but this SARM isn’t hormonal, so it doesn’t fall under a cycle dosage.
  • RAD-140: This SARM boosts lean muscle mass as the dose increases. It also promotes fat loss, making it ideal for athletes and bodybuilders.
Before and After: What Are SARMs
RAD-140 Before & After (12-Week Cycle)

There are more than 120 types of SARMs, but these are just a sampling of what these dietary supplements can do and what different types focus on.

What are the Best SARMs for Beginners?

With this SARM stack, those who are just starting out can achieve the benefits of SARMs by combining the ‘mildest’ SARM, Andarine, with Cardarine, a non-hormonal supplement commonly used during dieting phases.


S4 or Andarine is a great choice for a first SARM. Taking Andarine while dieting can improve strength and endurance, as it can help prevent muscle loss. SARMs like Andarine and Ostarine are the safest choice for females (at low doses) who want to minimise the risk of developing side effects.


Cardarine is not a SARM, which is the most important thing to understand. As a PPAR Receptor Agonist, Cardarine works on the PPAR pathway rather than the androgen receptor. It is an excellent choice for those looking to increase their fitness level, endurance, and recovery. So, if you are dieting, Cardarine can help you complete high-intensity cardio sets to the best of your ability, and if you are gaining, it might help you accomplish those higher rep sets.

Health markers such as blood glucose levels, lipid profiles, blood pressure, and inflammation may be improved by Cardarine outside of the gym. Cardarine might mitigate some of the damage caused by certain anabolic substances.

Cardarine could be replaced with Stenabolic when fat loss is the goal.

Do I Need to do Post-Cycle Therapy?

Post-cycle therapy, or PCT, is a protocol you follow after (or “post”) completing a cycle of anabolic steroids or SARMs.

While some SARMs offer benefits such as muscle growth, they may also wreak havoc on other aspects of your physical health — especially your testosterone levels.

When you take SARMs, the drugs provide a heavy dose of testosterone. As a result, your body experiences a sudden drop in testosterone when you finish your cycle.

The return of normal hormonal levels can take months to years after your body naturally restarts testosterone production. In the meantime, you may experience negative effects of testosterone absence, like decreased energy and libido, reduced muscle mass, and depression.

This process can be accelerated with post-cycle therapy, boosting your body by increasing testosterone production while safely enhancing your health.

The Final Word

Despite their potential danger, SARMs are better performance-enhancing drugs than steroids. As well as increasing muscle mass and bone density, they burn fat and slow waste.

If you’re a casual bodybuilder or gym goer, SARMs are a great option. While providing a massive boost to many core physical processes of the body, they are also noticeably safer than steroids, with far more beneficial effects.

When you want to lose fat, gain muscle, or improve your overall performance, consider using SARMs. Risks are low, but benefits can be tremendous.

A reliable vendor to buy from is Max Muscle Lab. You can choose from a great selection of effective SARMs to boost your performance immediately.